Tuesday 10 October 2023

More Spring Frolics

When in Melbourne, I always make a point of going to the National Gallery of Victoria. This time I wandered up and down the different levels, visiting familiar haunts: 19th century European art,  modern art, glassware, pottery, Mayan artefacts. Here's a sample.

Kate and I always loved seeing these ancient items.
I loved the juxtoposition of these two men.
What a smorgasbord!
And who could resist thinking 'Elizabeth Bennet' while studying this dress coat.
I found this enormous chandelier fascinating. Evidently there were two of them, gracing each side of the stage at, I think, the Regent Theatre. (I may have got this wrong, but some theatre in Melbourne.) They were made in France. 
And I'll finish off my tour with a Corot, a Cezanne and a painting I really loved in muted shades of green - but had never heard of the artist - Samuel Palmer. Check out the little cottage in the valley.

I had another fabulous day with my friend Kim who drove us along the Mornington Peninsula to Sorrento, and ending up at Portsea and Point Nepean. We had a wonderful time. The town of Sorrento was pure glamour and glitz with lovely shops decorated in beachside charm. We wandered and browsed, marvelling at the price tags. Kim had thoughtfully packed a scrumptious picnic lunch, so we headed to a nearby park - much more our flavour.
And then it was off to the beach. Grassy sand dunes tumbling to the shore. Surging surf relentlessly ebbing and flowing. An endless sky. A barely-there warmth.

We climbed the steps to the lookout.
There was a lovely view half-way up...
... and an expansive view of sand, sea and sky when we reached the top. 
A lovely day out. Thank you Kim! 
One last stop on my itinerary - a trip to Fitzroy to visit Casa Iberica for some Portuguese custard tarts, to T2 for French Earl Grey tea, to Babkas for lunch and a shoo-fly bun, and a final glimpse of our former home.
And so ended my 10 days. We had a yummy roast lamb and veges as a fabulous farewell dinner (though Kim's famous omelette the night before came a close second).
I'll miss my bedside companions.
The train trip back to South Australia was, thankfully, uneventful and on time, and Steve was at the station to spirit me back home. 

1 comment:

  1. Perfect blog. What a wonderful time, and great photos.
