Introducing Bix, our little three-and-a-half month-old rescue kitten we obtained on Saturday.
He is turning out to be the most loveable, cuddly, mischievous and cutest little kitten ever.
An explanation first as to his name. Steve has done the honours here, naming him after 1920's jazz cornet player Bix Beiderbecke.
He answered to his name almost immediately. He purrs loudly and curls up in our arms for more stroking and rubbing behind the ears. He does not have a very loud voice yet, a mere whisper of a squeak. Perhaps it will come with age? Perhaps not. His purring makes up for it though.
Then, because he's a kitten, he's been doing a grand impression of Fred Astaire in his most energetic of dance numbers, by leaping onto the topmost back of the sofa, then hurtling floorwards to somersault onto the ottoman, then spinning and sliding over the tiles to end up on the occasional table in front of the sofa, a truly magical performance. And now he's grown braver, he races from one end of the passage to the other, circling round the table like a Grand Prix champion and back again.
He loves the cords of the venetian blinds and will happily while away 10 minutes or more playing with them. He loves attacking my glasses.
He is inquisitive as to what is beyond the window, though it will be a while before we take him outdoors.
We have to thank Kate and Kim for these gorgeous cat bowls they gave us in May, in anticipation of us getting a new household member. (The colourful pole in the picture is the base of our Tiwi bird sculpture, in case you're wondering.)
No doubt there will be more anecdotes and photos in the future (though we're finding it hard to take reasonable photos as he's so dark). But for now, we're enjoying watching him play and explore his new surroundings.